Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Everyone loves a party or maybe even two

Everyone loves a party or maybe even two but if you and some of your friends have limited finances or a mortgage, then too many parties can be bad for your relationships as well as your finances.

You might be have almost too many things to prepare and check before the big day, but you could find it hard to refuse when somebody offers to hold some sort of celebration leading up to the

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But, each party, shower or dinner puts a financial cost and time commitment on everyone who is asked to attend.

I suggest that you limit them to, say, three, and insist that anyone
who wants to bring a gift should please just bring one to one event.
Emphasize that their presence and support is the best gift anyway.
My top three would be the Announcement party, if your parents
want to host and pay for it, the helpers (mainly the Bridesmaids)
lunch to thank them for their contribution and patience, and the
rehearsal party.

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Maybe you might think three could be too much of a strain for some
of your friends or family. That shows you’re thinking right – about
them and not just yourself. How you handle it is up to you.
But, I’m sure that you need some occasion for everyone of the
major players to get together in a party atmosphere before the

The Rehearsal Party
That rehearsal party is usually fairly casual and serves as a stress
diffuser after the walk-though check of the wedding.

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You’ll usually have the two families and other members of the bridal
party with their partners, any guests that have arrived from some
distance away and the celebrant. This is their chance to meet in a
fairly relaxed atmosphere so that they get to know a little bit about
each other before the wedding day.

You can also use the occasion to get some of the people that will
give speeches at the reception a chance for a rehearsal of their own
(with different material) in a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

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